Allowed Scopes: payable:read

Request an extract (snapshot) of expenses to be created.

A request to create a snapshot of expenses according to the filters provided will be queued, where a key (of format UUID) will be returned immediately, it being a reference to your request.

This key can be used to check for the status of this request using the GET Snapshot Payable API call. Once its status is "COMPLETE", the list of payables is returned under the "" element of the response.

Requesting snapshots should be done sequentially and cannot be done simultaneously (in parallel). Requesting a new snapshot with exactly the same parameters will return the same key as long as the snapshot exists. Snapshots are typically cached for 12 hours.

These two APIs (POST and GET) are implemented based on the asynchronous request-response pattern, decoupling long-running backend jobs from the synchronous nature of REST APIs.

For more information about payables, see this guide.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!