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Filtering settlements by date


New date filter for settlements

We are happy to announce that it is now possible to request settlements with a date range! Use these new query parameters - clearedFrom and clearedTo like so:

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

Clearing date is the date retained by Spendesk when processing various types of settlements.


Changes to OAuth2 Refresh Tokens


Breaking Changes

The OAuth2 Refresh Token POST endpoint now supports two new mandatory query parameters:

  • client_id - The original Client ID received by Spendesk
  • client_secret - The original Client Secret received by Spendesk

These two new parameters are needed for us to successfully rotate your access and refresh tokens in a more secure fashion. Without them, the request will result in a response with the status code 400.

In addition to the breaking changes announced above, the OAuth2 Refresh Token POST endpoint also now returns a new property:

  • refresh_token - The new refresh token to be used from then on out

This new refresh token will invalidate the previously returned one in the OAuth2 Access Token POST endpoint, and has a validation period 30 days.


v0 endpoints no longer accessible from Apr 29th


Last warning!

Endpoints under the v0 path will no longer be accessible from Mon April 29th. Any call to /v0 endpoints will result in a 404.

This is a call to action to immediately update your code to use v1 endpoints! Access and refresh tokens obtained using /v0 endpoints can be reused with /v1 endpoints.


Announcing General Availability of the Spendesk APIs


We are happy to release the first stable version of the Spendesk API with a long term support commitment!

Check out the Introduction section for more details on requesting access and the use cases supported by Spendesk APIs.

Here is the list of notable changes compared to v0:

  • The synchronous endpoint to retrieve payables has been removed in favor of the asynchronous one Create a snapshot of payables
  • The range to retrieve payables by payableDate is now limited to 31 days, so the time between fromPayableDate and toPayableDate should not exceed 31 days.
  • The maximum page size across all endpoints is now 30.

Please note that v0 endpoints will no longer be functional as of Apr 29th, 2024. This is a call to action to update your integrations with the new path.


Breaking changes to v0 - Mar 14, 2024


Breaking changes on Mar 14, 2024

Please note that we have introduced two breaking changes today:

  • The range to retrieve payables by payableDate is now limited to 31 days, so the time between fromPayableDate and toPayableDate should not exceed 31 days.
  • The maximum page size across all endpoints is now 30.

Breaking changes to v0 - Feb 19, 2024


Breaking changes in v0 - Feb 19, 2024

In the next days we will introduce a couple of breaking changes to our v0 APIs:

  • Authentication: we will decommission an orphaned expense-account:read scope which means your existing connections requesting this scope will need to be re-established (without requesting this scope). Remember to always request the minimum scopes required for your application!
  • Suppliers: we will add more address details on the /suppliers endpoint turning a simple property (address) into a complex object.

In addition, we’d like to announce that the synchronous /payables endpoint is now deprecated and will be going away by the end of March. Instead, use its asynchronous version Create a snapshot of payables. Don’t hesitate to provide your feedback on the new endpoint to us!

The Spendesk API team